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Gifted Education & Enrichment

Hampton Township School District promotes enrichment or acceleration for those high-end learners identified as gifted, as well as, those students who have shown interest, motivation and strength in a particular area. Students who demonstrate the need via a Gifted Individualized Education Plan (GIEP) or via parent or teacher recommendation may participate in programs and activities offered through the District's Enrichment Program. Hampton students do not have to be identified as Gifted to take advantage of this program. 

Hampton Township School District's teachers strive to meet the needs of all learners by providing  differentiated instruction and extension activities through the curriculum. 

In Pennsylvania, the provision of services to identified gifted students are governed by Chapter 16 of the school code:  Gifted Education.  Read more

For more information, please contact Dr. Removcik.

Dr. Jacquelyn Removcik
Assistant Superintendent