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Hampton Township School District recognizes that schools are critical in promoting student health, preventing childhood obesity, and combating problems associated with poor nutrition and physical inactivity. The District's Wellness policy provides information to meet our wellness goals.

The Hampton Township School District Wellness Committee met and completed a Triennial Assessment of the District's Wellness Policy. This assessment is required by the PA Department of Education every three years and measures the extent to which schools evaluate and modify the Wellness Policy. 

Any suggestions or questions regarding the Wellness Policy process may be directed to Dr. Thornton, Director of Student Services.

The results of the triennial assessment can be viewed here

Student Wellness - Board Policy 246


The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has an informative brochure on helping students and parents make healthy choices at school.
Picture of Smart Snacks in School Guide

A Guide to Smart Snacks in School

Nutritional Information - Elementary Food Service

Nutritional Information - HMS and HHS Food Service    

Teen Food & Fitness - May 2021

Nutrition Nuggets - May 2021

Nutrition Resources --

Metz-recommended informational websites: